Thursday, October 28, 2004

It's a Midget stupid!

OK. Here is another silly story concerning evolution where the obvious is being ignored....because the obvious doesn't fit the "evolutionary" "theory" that the secular scientists have swallowed for so many years.

There are "midgets" around today, why can't this new find have simply been a fully human "midget" from days past?

This is just another ridiculous attempt to force newly found evidence into a "theory" that just isn't logical. And it will end up on the ash heap of every other "monkey to man" alleged evidence. What will happen is this. This will get lots of press and fanfair. People will believe it and in a couple of months when it is debunked, there will be a small correction made in the back of some magazine like National Geographic that nobody will read. Hence the "theory of evolution" will remain on the altar of humanistic secularism as an excuse to ignore God and what He demands of us.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

John Kerry the LIAR

A is A! John Kerry is a blatant liar! I can't believe that he is still, TODAY, diseminating the lie about the missing 350 tons of explosives and trying to make it sound like they dissapeared last week!

Wake up people! This story has been fully discredited by embedded press members when the United States military invaded Iraq and secured the site in question! The explosives were not there! The explosives were missing BEFORE we invaded the country (if they existed there at all).

John Kerry is a self serving elitest who doesn't care about truth if it gets in his way! We can't have this guy as our President! He will get us killed!

Please, honest Democrats out there, look at this guy past how CBS and the New York Times are reporting him!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Nice Try

Before anyone gets their hopes up about the "latest" "news" concerning missing explosives in Iraq. Please read this. Please note that this is a CNN report.

It seems that the New York Times beat CBS in reporting a re-hashed non-story in hopes of de-railing the Bush/Cheney freight train that is due to arrive on November 2nd!

How many Americans fall for these obvious ploys by the leftist media? ......that's a rhetorical question.....

Friday, October 22, 2004

More Democratic Cheating

Here is some more cheating and unethical behavior, brought to you by the Democrats!

The Deulfer Report

Read this to get the whole story instead of only the parts the "news" outlets want to report.

From the Mouths of Iraqi's

The following is a link to a blog that is written by three Iraqi brothers living in Bagdad. It is very interesting reading straight from the source: the Iraqi people!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Conversation with a Liberal friend

The following is a brief email volley with a liberal friend of mine. his name is being withheld to protect the igno...I mean innocent.

Liberal Friend: As for me, I've never been able to resolve "Thou shalt not kill" and any justification for war. I don't believe in capital punishment for the same reason.

Jesus said to love our enemies. With love comes understanding. With understanding comes negotiation. With negotiation comes peace. With peace, comes universal love; which is our human right and destiny. In my world-view, anyway.

My responce: Well, first it isn't "thou shalt not kill", that is not an accurate translation of the original Hebrew. It It is "thou shalt not murder". Murder is the purposeful taking of an innocent know, like abortion for example. Capital punishment is presumably the taking of a guilty life.

Secondly, Islamic terrorists want you and I and all the other "infidels" dead. We want to be alive. How do you "negotiate" that? Give them one arm, two toes and an ear and call it even?

Jesus did say: ":Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Mat 5:44 (which is personally one of the most difficult things for me to do as a Christian). But loving and praying for your enemy doesn't mean to sit there and let them kill you or your way of life. Jesus also said: "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? Mat 23:33. You might want to read all of Mathew 23 to see how Jesus felt about the religious leaders of his time. It doesn't seem to me that He is "negotiating" with them, other than telling them the cold hard truth.

Osama a gonna?

In recent years I have always wondered if Osama Bin Laden had checked out courtest of the United States of America in Tora Bora. But I couldn't understand why the Bush administration would not report this if it were true. Then I read this. Sounds logical to me. But what do I know.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The Red Sox?

Is it possible? No team has ever been down 3 games to none and come back to win the best of seven....but they just won three games in a row to tie the series.

...I best not get my hopes up...but you never know....

Monday, October 18, 2004

Hugh Hewitts Symposium 4

Why vote for Bush and whats wrong with Kerry?

First, why vote for Bush?

10. Integrity
9. Honesty
8. Offense
7. Tax relief
6. The effect it will have on Al Gore....I'm betting his head will spin 360 degrees.
5. Elections in Afganistan
4. Sadaams nutty sons dead...Sadaam in an 8'x8' cell
3. Supreme court judge appointments
2. God is back in the whitehouse
1. Because we love our children

...and what's wrong with Kerry?

10. Truth challenged.
9. First lady Teresa (pronounced TERR-ehhh-zaaa) Heinz Kerry
8. Senate voting record against B1 bomber, B2 bomber, patriot missile, apache helicopter, abrams tank, missile defense, front door deadbolts (Ok, just kidding on that last one).
7. Proposed cutting intelligence budget by $6 billion AFTER the first World Trade Center bombing (what a great idea???*****!!!!)
6. Senate voting record concerning tax hikes (yikes!)
5. Senate voting record concerning tax cuts (yukes!)
4. Vietnam Veterans Against War participation.
3. Self-promoting arrogant French looking (I know he can't help that) United Nations backing (unless they back a war, a la Persian Gulf flavor) Neville Chamberlain wanna be (let's not give him the chance).
2. Secretary of State Ted Kennedy
1. Because we love our children

I just "crack" myself up.

With Friends like these....

For those of you who will be voting for John Kerry in November, please read this

You should know what type of people are with you.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Hugh Hewitt's Symposium

Weekend Symposium 3: How deep a hole have John Kerry, Mary Beth Cahill and the Edwards dug for themselves? How lasting the damage?

Here's the skinny. This was an obvious attempt to drive a wedge into the Christian base of the GOP and it's going to backfire. They want to keep all those evangelicals who didn't vote in the previous presidential election from voting in this one. This effort by the Kerry/Edwards ticket shows how ignorant they are concerning biblical Christian thought. Liberals constantly demagogue Christians as being homophoebs. They think we are a bunch of non-inclusive backwards country bumpkins who can barely string a complete sentence together.

But the truth is, genuine Christianity loves the sinner (which is all of us) but hates the sin. The genuine Christian also knows that we all struggle with our own issues of sin. We know that perfection is not possible and that is why we need Christ as our savior.

All of those evangelicals who didn't vote last time are going to see that the Cheney's love their daughter regardless of her lifestyle. They are also going to look at the abortion, stem-cell, and appointment of judges issues that are at the forefront of this years election. And they are going to see the blatant exploitation by the Kerry/Edwards ticket. And they are going to show up at the poles!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Last Debate

Point #1: How can people believe John Kerry when he states that his health care plan is not a government run and paid for plan? Are people really that gullible (that's a rhetorical question)? If the government is subsidizing his plan then it is a government run plan. And if it is a government run plan (which it is) then it is paid for by the people's taxes. What good does it do anyone if there healthcare premiums come down if there taxes go up to pay for it? And to top it off the healthcare provided will not be as good.

Point #2: Did anyone notice how uncomfortable Mr. Kerry was when he was talking about God and religion? I wonder why (another rhetorical question)?

Point #3: The best comment about the debate last night came from my 3 year old son who upon watching President Bush answer one of the questions, said "Hey President Bush has a new little haircut". Who said that President Bush isn't as stylish as Senator Kerry!

Point #4: And lastly, I think the president did great last night, but I wish he had pointed out that it was Representative Charlie Rangel of the democratic party who introduced the military draft legislation. The following is an excerpt from a Newsweek article by Jennifer Barrett (

But how real is another draft? In the past year, some lawmakers have urged that a draft for military service be reintroduced, most notably New York Rep. Charlie Rangel and South Carolina Sen. Fritz Hollings, both Democrats, who have sponsored bills to that effect, primarily as a way to protest against war in Iraq. Though both bills (S. 89 and H.R. 163) remain stuck in committee--and Sen. Hollings was unable even to garner any cosponsors for his bill--one widely forwarded e-mail letter claims the administration is "quietly trying to get these bills passed now" so the draft could begin as early as the spring of 2005.

Introducing legislation that didn't have any support in congress was an obvious democratic ploy to scare monger college students into voting for John Kerry. I wonder if they are that gullible?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

the healer

From Drudge:

'When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk. Get up out of that wheelchair and walk again'... John Edwards

Wow! I didn't know that John Kerry was now claiming to be a healer! Does he get special healing powers if he is elected president that he doesn't have now? Christopher Reeve could have really used those healing powers about a week ago. I guess Mr. Kerry is just holding out the same way he won't let us common folk know about how all his "plans" will work. We the people just wouldn't understand.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Loosing my blogging virginity

Ok, here we go, my first blog posting......I'm so excited! This is self therapy. Instead of screaming at Dan Rather (and his ilk) about obvious bias, I can now write it out. You know, try to have some closure.

My wife thinks I'm nuts by doing this, but I love her anyway.