Monday, January 31, 2005

Kennedy's Diatribe

Esteemed Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy has been heard making the inane point over the last year that Iraq is Bush's "Vietnam".

I must have missed it, can someone please remind me when Vietnam had it's democratic elections? You know, when over 72% (compared to approximately 50% of the American electorate this past Presidential election) of the electorate showed up under threat of death to cast their vote?

A Caller to the Dennis Prager show this morning made a great point. He said that the Iraqis are dancing in the streets and they don't even know who won the election! They are dancing because they voted! That is awesome!

And here is the evil that we and the Iraqi people are fighting. Please people, stop calling them insurgents....the're terrorists with zero respect for life....they are in need of elimination.


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