Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Evolution Spevolution

Here we go again.

Evolutionists trying to fit their preconceived beliefs of evolution and millions of years with new findings. Oops, it appears that birds did in fact live at the same time as other dinosaurs. Actually birds are one day older than dinosaurs (Gen 1:20-34)......but whose counting.

...and this just in.

YAKIMA, Wash. - Researchers at a national science laboratory in south-central Washington have found a way to achieve in days what takes Mother Nature millions of years — converting wood to mineral.

WHAT! You mean it doesn't take millions of years after distressing for the evolutionist....that is if he were to look at the evidence objectively...which he unfortunately does not.

The HUGE assumption that is made and stated in the opening paragraph of this story is "..what takes Mother Nature millions of years". It's stated as though it were a known, unarguable fact and you are a backwoods ignoramus if you believe otherwise.


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