Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Last Debate

Point #1: How can people believe John Kerry when he states that his health care plan is not a government run and paid for plan? Are people really that gullible (that's a rhetorical question)? If the government is subsidizing his plan then it is a government run plan. And if it is a government run plan (which it is) then it is paid for by the people's taxes. What good does it do anyone if there healthcare premiums come down if there taxes go up to pay for it? And to top it off the healthcare provided will not be as good.

Point #2: Did anyone notice how uncomfortable Mr. Kerry was when he was talking about God and religion? I wonder why (another rhetorical question)?

Point #3: The best comment about the debate last night came from my 3 year old son who upon watching President Bush answer one of the questions, said "Hey President Bush has a new little haircut". Who said that President Bush isn't as stylish as Senator Kerry!

Point #4: And lastly, I think the president did great last night, but I wish he had pointed out that it was Representative Charlie Rangel of the democratic party who introduced the military draft legislation. The following is an excerpt from a Newsweek article by Jennifer Barrett (

But how real is another draft? In the past year, some lawmakers have urged that a draft for military service be reintroduced, most notably New York Rep. Charlie Rangel and South Carolina Sen. Fritz Hollings, both Democrats, who have sponsored bills to that effect, primarily as a way to protest against war in Iraq. Though both bills (S. 89 and H.R. 163) remain stuck in committee--and Sen. Hollings was unable even to garner any cosponsors for his bill--one widely forwarded e-mail letter claims the administration is "quietly trying to get these bills passed now" so the draft could begin as early as the spring of 2005.

Introducing legislation that didn't have any support in congress was an obvious democratic ploy to scare monger college students into voting for John Kerry. I wonder if they are that gullible?


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