Monday, January 31, 2005

Kennedy's Diatribe

Esteemed Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy has been heard making the inane point over the last year that Iraq is Bush's "Vietnam".

I must have missed it, can someone please remind me when Vietnam had it's democratic elections? You know, when over 72% (compared to approximately 50% of the American electorate this past Presidential election) of the electorate showed up under threat of death to cast their vote?

A Caller to the Dennis Prager show this morning made a great point. He said that the Iraqis are dancing in the streets and they don't even know who won the election! They are dancing because they voted! That is awesome!

And here is the evil that we and the Iraqi people are fighting. Please people, stop calling them insurgents....the're terrorists with zero respect for life....they are in need of elimination.

European Morality

This story is crazy and would be humorous if it wasn't true.

Choice qoute:

"Prostitution was legalised in Germany in 2002 because the government believed that this would help to combat trafficking in women and cut links to organised crime."

Well, it may have cut links to organized crime, but at least when prostitution was controlled by organized crime a law abiding German citizen could opt out of the sex trade based on moral reasons (which has little to do with written law). And how have these new laws done anything to "combat trafficking in women"? To the contrary, the governement has now took the "trafficking" reigns! The Europeans....what a great society! And to think, John Kerry could have taken us there....what a shame....

Friday, January 28, 2005

A Little too much to drink

Senator Ted Kennedy has really lost any sense of decency.

His recent diatribes about Iraq, just days before that countries FIRST democratic elections are simply outrageoussss. They do nothing but help aid and comfort the terrorists. That's treason in my book.

Spirited disagreement is one thing, Senator Kennedy in an attempt at relavance continuously crosses the line. He is, in the Biblical sense of the word, a fool.

Didn't his mother ever teach him that if he doesn't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

From the Ivory Tower

Here is what our kids are exposed to when they are sent to the typical American University.

This is unbelievable stuff.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Evolution Spevolution

Here we go again.

Evolutionists trying to fit their preconceived beliefs of evolution and millions of years with new findings. Oops, it appears that birds did in fact live at the same time as other dinosaurs. Actually birds are one day older than dinosaurs (Gen 1:20-34)......but whose counting.

...and this just in.

YAKIMA, Wash. - Researchers at a national science laboratory in south-central Washington have found a way to achieve in days what takes Mother Nature millions of years — converting wood to mineral.

WHAT! You mean it doesn't take millions of years after distressing for the evolutionist....that is if he were to look at the evidence objectively...which he unfortunately does not.

The HUGE assumption that is made and stated in the opening paragraph of this story is "..what takes Mother Nature millions of years". It's stated as though it were a known, unarguable fact and you are a backwoods ignoramus if you believe otherwise.

Democratic Irony

“So while I raise my voice on the Senate floor, I hope you will join us on the campaign trail and send the loudest message of all — one that the Republicans will not be able to ignore — unseating them in the midterm elections and sending more Democrats to the Senate.”

Barbara Boxer, D California

I love the irony of the Democratic party. Why can't Republicans ignore midterm elections if by chance the Democrats win back some seats? Have not they (the Democrats) been ignoring election results the last four years and running? Maybe they should have a talk with former minority leader Tom Daschle. He might have a little advice to give concerning shrill rhetoric.

But by all means Barbara, please continue the silly is very educational.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

President Bush

"That edifice of character is built on families, supported by communities with standards, and sustained in our national life by the truths of Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, the words of the Koran....."

President George W. Bush, 2005 Inaugral address

Two out of three ain't bad........

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Flight 93 Memorial Competition

PowerSquare Design entered the design competition for a national memorial for the passengers and crew of flight 93. Kathy and I worked on the competition board until 6 am last Sunday night to get it done. It was our first all-nighter since college. It was very satisfying to try to offer the surviving family members and our country something back for what they have done for us. Ever since 9/11, I've felt the desire to do something...I gave serious thought to enlisting or becoming an air marshall, but my age, past health issues and my young family put an end to that.

So using the talent that God gave me, this competition was a way of paying tribute to the men and women who gave their lives for their country on that day.

You can read here to get more information on the competition. They are going to start posting the design entries at this site on January 19. Stage 1 of the competition is anonymous, so you won't be able to tell which entry is mine.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

What bias?

For those who still are playing ostrich concerning the left leaning bias of the MSM. Read this...

It's the report concerning CBS.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Let's Try this again

OK. I'm going to try to be more consistant on posting. At least once a week will be my goal.